The Legendary Pink Dots’ Hallowe’en Special 2022


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Release date and track list

October 7, 2022
NL MP3 self-released on Bandcamp
NL CDR self-released on Bandcamp as part of Festive 3

  1. The Butterfly Spirit / 10 Days Of Mourning



The story emerged from an actual incident a few weeks ago. I was going to collect my U.S. visa in London and for one mad moment thought it was safe to indulge in a little jaywalking. A magic centimetre or 2 saved the U.S tour (and maybe more) as a taxi sped around a corner. I learned a lesson and wrote the text for this missive on the train in the afternoon. EK

In all likelihood, as with previous holiday specials, this one will remain up for an undisclosed limited time.