Bandcamp Friday- May 2024

Today sees the last Bandcamp Friday for a few months and the announcement of a physical release that has been quietly worked upon for some time.

TLPD- 40 Angels (The Archive)

The only previous physical release of the mammoth ‘40 Angels‘ project was an ill fated DVD-A. Around 50 were made and sent, but the pandemic meant some just never landed and those that did sometimes wouldn’t play on standard DVD players.
The new format is a 4 x CD-R set , all handmade, tastefully packaged and rather beautiful. A single copy takes quite a while to prepare so it’s necessarily limited – it can be found HERE.

Edward Ka-Spel- Heksescapes

There’s also a new release for Spring from yours truly entitled ‘Heksescapes‘ which can be found here:

Edward Ka-Spel- Tales from the Trenches

A few more copies of ‘Tales from the Trenches‘ vinyl have also been posted now we have them in stock.

Outside of these projects, lots of writing and recording is going on for the forthcoming Pink Dots’ album and we’re excited! More news to come soon. Love’n’peace ….