Dynasti Oct 13 in Holland

There may still be tickets available to see Edward Ka-Spel as part of Dynasti on October 13 at Ondersturr in Holland.

October 13
Dynasti will play a concert at Extrapool. Dynasti is Edward Ka-Spel of The Legendary Pink Dots), Peter Johan Nÿland (of Norn, Trepanerungsritualen, O Saala Sakraal and much more), and Frans de Waard (Modelbau, Kapotte Muziek, and much more). Dynasti recorded a CD, Quantum Primitiv, on the Klang Galerie to wide acclaim. Marc from EXTRAPOOL inquired if we would be interested in playing a concert and, sure, why not? We’ll spend a few days before hand to come up with all new material. Maybe a one-off? We don’t know.
Tickets are for sale, and mind you, tickets are limited! (The other concerts in this series are also highly recommended!)

Get tickets here: