Let’s rejuvenate the discography here!
We have a discography that was formed in 2008 by the contributions of many fans who uploaded album cover images and added track titles through Freebase. Freebase is an open database of the world’s information, and the discography was generated from it using a program called “Albumist” created by technology blogger “Hostile Fork”. Please go here for a more comprehensive explanation by Lisette.
At some point, Freebase disabled the uploading of images across the entire site. I suppose, having been acquired by Google, it has to be more careful about image copyright. When this happened, the discography lost most of the images, although the text data still remains. In addition, I suppose some outdated coding also made the discography stop showing up on LPD.org.
This is what the discography looks like now:
To get around this, internet archive and music database “MusicBrainz”, which has links to Freebase, are seeking to provide this album cover service, but as of yet, it does not have many LPD cover images. They need to be uploaded (again). In addition, some of the more recent releases need corrections to the album titles.
Web developer Brian, who created the original discography for this site, has graciously agreed to do the technical work to make it visible here again, but only on the condition that the community demonstrates interest by uploading at least 15 album covers through MusicBrainz. When you do so, it will show up on the albumist page. He needs to see interest from the community in having this discography up and running again before he is willing to invest his time. For those willing, he recommends uploading larger, higher res images whenever possible.
Click here for easy to follow instructions for uploading images.
It would be great to see this discography up and running again. Hopefully, there is interest here.
In the meantime…
www.brainwashed.com/lpd also has a comprehensive discography that is currently in the process of being brought up-to-date.
…and then there’s Wikipedia.