Songs from the Marriage of Heaven & Hell


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Release date and tracklist

March 04, 2019
BE MP3 self-released on 48 Cameras Bandcamp page
BE CD MandaÏ Distribution

  1. The Voice Of The Devil
  2. A Memorable Fancy #1
  3. The Wedding
  4. A Memorable Fancy #2
  5. The Divorce

  • Jean Mathoul- mixing
  • Calogero Marotta- double bass
  • Edward Ka-Spel- voice


48 Cameras – “Songs from the Marriage of Heaven & Hell

In 2018 I had the pleasure and honour to work with Jean Mathoul, founder and driving force behind ’48 Cameras’ (, on an album that unexpectetly turned out to be the last release of 48 Cameras.

The album was built around poems by William Blake (1757-1827), masterfully delivered by the voice of Edward Ka-Spel from The Legendary Pink Dots .

The recording process as usual consisted of sending parts to each other, following hints and suggestions by Jean – who was constructing, reconstructing, mixing and re-mixing, until he was satisfied with the result.

There were some bumps in the road: a computer crash in which files were lost, and Jean in that time went trough a difficult time – in personal life as well as considering health issues – but nothing stopped his focus on the project. When Edward Ka-Spel unfortunately could not engage enough time for a full album (it was first intended to be a full album), it was decided this album to become a short E.P. instead.

Luckily, it turned out to be a beautiful little gem.

Calogero Marotta delivered wonderful bowed double bass parts, Jean did mix, percussions and sound design, and I delivered some subtle, haunting background sounds and treated guitars, which were masterfully mixed into soundscapes supporting the voice of Edward Ka-Spel.

The e.p. was finished in june 2018, ready for release, when the suddenly & unexpectedly – on July 4th 2018 – the sad news came that Jean passed away…

It was a shock for everyone. So much things were yet to be said, to be done…

In the months after this, a posthumous L.P. was released: ‘Chosen Songs’ – something Jean also was working on in that time – with a selection of some tracks he considered to be essentials/his personal favourites in the 48 Cameras discography. This album turned out to be a fitting tribute to his life and work with 48 Cameras, and it was released by

The E.P. however, got postponed for a while, but now it is finally released as well: a fitting, beautiful and short last statement for the fascinating entity that was 48 Cameras – and it makes you wonder where it could have gone next, if Jean was still around…

The album can be heard here:

The digipack CD version can be purchased at Mandaï Distribution:
