The passing of Barry Gray

Barry Gray a.k.a. Stret Majest Alarme

Barry GrayIt’s a thin tightrope we try to navigate. Today came the awful news that Barry – a dear old friend and key figure in the early Dots – just passed away. I’d only enjoyed a long phone chat with him recently (Barry loved to chat for hours!). Some things you just don’t see coming.

To say I felt a strong connection with Barry would be an understatement. We were both born in Barking, both grew up in single parent families at a time when it was rare, we got into lots of the same music (Barry loved Crimson- it shows!). We both railed against the injustices of an uncaring World, and shared a deep desire for a much more socialistic society to live. Such were the conversations we had. I’m trying to wrap my head around this news and I confess I’m struggling. Safe travels old friend…
-Edward Ka-Spel

Barry Gray was the LPD’s guitarist from 1982-1988. Find his solo music on his Bandcamp page.