Dance China Doll & Laugh China Doll (2020 Remasters)

Dance China Doll

1984. A perfect number for a personal crisis. It’s the year when I felt the ideas I had for The Dots were being tossed aside but, upon reflection, I was probably just being a bit of a prima donna. Even so, the situation led to this first collection of songs under my name. Recorded in 3 days , mixed in less than that, with wonderful vocal contributions from Lily Ak (who still sings like an angel). 1984. When the end of the year came, I moved to The Netherlands.

Laugh China Doll

Dust to dust. Such was the fate of the master tape of my first solo album. In short, NEVER store a tape in a garden shed. “Laugh China Doll” was recorded over a couple of weekends on borrowed equipment with the notable exception of “Requiem” where long term friend Patrick Q. Wright provided all the music. Another fine contribution can be heard on “Lisa’s Funeral” where Pat White provided a wonderful guitar part. The cover was ripped from a library book (not by me!). This reissue is dedicated with love to the memory of Marylou. A big thank you also to Ray Steeg who cleaned and restored the music from an original vinyl copy.