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Which album did I play more than any other… hard to say. Listened to a lot of records from the old Lovely Music label – David Behrman especially. I also recommend Razen – a wonderful Belgian band that reminds me of Third Ear Band (a long term favourite of mine)…


Which album did I play more than any other… hard to say. Listened to a lot of records from the old Lovely Music label – David Behrman especially. I also recommend Razen – a wonderful Belgian band that reminds me of Third Ear Band (a long term favourite of mine)…


Please don't use this one.


Where to Buy

Over their expansive career, they have released music on many different labels. Here are some sources where you can find their albums.


Mail order / download directly from the band


Many of their earlier releases have been recently remastered and made available for download on their bandcamp pages. Here, you can find The Tear Garden albums, solo releases by Edward Ka-Spel and the Silverman, previously unreleased concert and session recordings.


You can mail order CDs, CDRs, LPs, DVD, T-shirts and other unique items directly from the Legendary Pink Dots.  Their TEKA catalogue can be found here.


Mail order / download directly from the music label

•  Rustblade-  www.rustblade.com
•  Metropolis mailorder– The Gethsemane Option
•  Beta-lactam Ring Records- www.blrrecords.com


Independent music stores and other sources

Below is a list of some music sellers that carry The Legendary Pink Dots’ music.  If you know of a source in your part of the world that carries their music, please email lpd.website@yahoo.com to have it added to this list. Please put ‘LPD-Where to buy’ in the subject line.  Thank you!

The Americas


CD Warehouse
Ottawa, Ontario Canada

United States

Amoeba Records- San Francisco, Berkely and Los Angeles
1855 Haight St.
San Francisco, CA 94117




Skeleton Distribution/Execution Paradise


Artecnico Online Shop
#209 Kousha-heim Sangenjaya,
33-1 Taishidou 3, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0004
Tel 03-3412-8472
Fax 03-3412-8450

If you have any questions, please email lpd.website@yahoo.com.  Thanks again.